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Embedded Systems

Automatic Firing System Assessment

Game Engine: Unity
Tools: Linear actuator, Atmega-based motor controller with Ethernet shield for data transfer, a novel scanner made with LDR (Light Dependent Register) technology with stepper motor control-based movement to scan the target board
Genre: Simulation
Platform: PC
Publisher: Bangladesh Army
IDE: Visual Studio
Programming Language: C#, OpenCV-based bullet hole detection through blob data processing and machine learning

Target practice is a vital part of training the military. Assessing the bullet count and performance of shooters, however, is a manual and time-consuming process. The project is a prototype of a device and software which can be used to scan the bullet hole and analyze the data. Based on the data received from the device, the performance analysis of the shooter is also calculated.

The Maze: A Hardware-Based Game

​Game Engine: Unity
Tools: Leap Motion, Arduino
Genre: Robotics, Embedded Systems
Platform: PC
Publisher: Grameenphone (Telenor)
IDE: Visual Studio, Arduino IDE
Programming Language: C#, C++

The Maze is a small robotic table that reacts to the user's hand movement and angle. Users need to drive a metal orb from start to finish using small movements from hand. It reacts to the slightest movement and has an intelligent way of reacting through led lights placed around it. It grabbed great attention from the audience.

Tank Simulator

Game Engine: Unity
Tools: Arduino
Genre: Simulation
Platform: PC
Publisher: Bangladesh Army
IDE: Rider, Arduino IDE
Programming Language: C#, C++

The Tank Simulator project was developed as a demonstration for the Bangladesh Army. It is a dummy project created to showcase various aspects. In Unity, we implemented serial communication for data sending, while in the Arduino board, we utilized actuators to calibrate the calculations.

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